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Address Search

House/Property Information

Our reports display important house information including tax info, sq. ft., bedrooms, bathrooms, & more.
Find who lives at an address.

Homeowner/Contact Information

Our reports display homeowners (current and past) and relevant information including their contact information.

Neighbors, Neighborhood, & More

Find your neighbors and learn more about your neighborhood
Property and Address Details
We are a leading property and home/address directory. We aggregate data from many different sources to display the most accurate information on a home that you would expect. Below is some of the data that we display in our address search reports if available.
Owner Names
Taxpayer Names
Sale Date
Owner Cell Number
Tax Amount
Sale Price
Most Expensive House For Sale By State
Have you ever wanted to know the most expensive house for sale in every state? We did! That's why we created a page to display the most expensive home for sale in each state in the US. This list is updated frequently to show the current most expensive home for sale in each state as well as the previous most expensive homes from sale in each US state.