Looking for Space Real Estate Address Scoop
Aug 09, 2023By H. Trost

Imagine a world where owning or renting a piece of land isn't limited to Earth alone. This is the intriguing concept of extraterrestrial real estate. With space exploration advancing, the idea of humans owning property beyond our planet is becoming more real. 

Purchasing space property raises fascinating questions about our future in space. How will ownership work? What are the rules? Will there be luxury properties in space? How much would those luxury properties cost

And how might real estate in space shape our lives and economies?

As a conspiracy theorist, I'm hesitant to believe there is such a thing as living or vacationing in space. Let's say for the sake of this article and for the interesting topic discussion that space real estate is happening. I want to touch base on current trends in space real estate. So let's go. 

Starting with…

Space Hotels? 

Hotel in Space Address Scoop

Orbital Assembly, a groundbreaking company specializing in space station design and construction, is set to launch the world's first commercial space hotels, Voyager Station and Pioneer Station. These visionary projects offer an unparalleled experience, bringing the dream of space tourism closer to reality. Voyager Station, initially designed for 280 guests but now accommodating up to 400, boasts a unique layout with a central docking hub surrounded by spoke-like shafts that transport guests and staff to the main hospitality area, simulating artificial gravity through rotation.

Similarly, Pioneer Station, with a capacity of 28 guests, aims to provide an intimate and exclusive experience in the cosmos and could be open sometime in 2025.

The concept of artificial gravity is at the core of both space hotels, enabling comfortable living spaces and stylish amenities akin to traditional Earth-based hotels. Using rotational technology to generate artificial gravity, guests can enjoy various activities, including zero-gravity experiences, where they can float and soar, creating unforgettable memories of life beyond our planet. The hotel's restaurant will also offer a taste of space with traditional "space food," such as freeze-dried ice cream.

While the room rates have not been disclosed, Orbital Assembly is optimistic about making space tourism more accessible, hoping to eventually bring down costs and make staying at a space hotel routine and affordable as a regular vacation. With visionary concepts and innovative technology, the prospect of space hotels becoming the next frontier in travel is no longer a distant dream but a tangible and exciting reality on the horizon.

I Own the Moon and Other Planets, Or so they say…

Astronaut Owning the Moon Address Scoop

Every few years, someone claims ownership of the moon, like Dennis Hope, who sells moon land through his Lunar Embassy business. How is that legal?  A rulebook called the Outer Space Treaty from 1967 says countries can't just claim planets and stuff, but people can, I guess?  

So, you know about the moon, Mars, and Saturn? Interestingly, no country can actually say they own them. But guess what? Individuals technically can, just by calling "dibs." And that's where the Lunar Embassy comes in. You can hop onto their website and choose your favorite planet. For just $25, you can claim an acre on Venus, Mercury, Mars, or even the moon. It's like staking your claim in space.  Dennis Hope, the founder of the Lunar Embassy,  has been selling space "properties" like hotcakes, even though these "deeds" are more like fun souvenirs than legit ownership papers. It's like selling plots on a cosmic game board. 

There are other cases of laws and sketchy moon property deals. But the question remains, who owns space sparks a galactic legal puzzle.  

Buying Stars When You Can't Live Like One Here on Earth

Picking a Star Address Scoop

Want to buy a star? While some companies claim to sell stars, the scientific community doesn't recognize their names. The International Astronomical Union gives real star names in Paris. They're numbered based on where they are in the sky, helping scientists.

 Sometimes, comets are named after people, but not stars. Be cautious if a company sells you a star – it's only yours in name, and they could sell it to others too! But if you are giving it as a gift for fun- and you know you don't really own a star, it could be a funny or cute gift for someone.

A Mansion on Mars

Living on Mars- Address Scoop

Picture this: humans setting up shop on the Red Planet. Considering the huge costs, time, and scientific efforts it would take, it might sound like a wild dream. But hold on, Elon Musk's a real game-changer in the mix. He's not just talking about it; he's on a mission to create a full-fledged colony on Mars and get this. He aims to make it happen by 2026. 

What's really interesting here is Elon Musk's determination. He's not just sitting around; he's actively developing rockets and technology to make this far-out idea a reality. However, there's a practical side to this grand vision. We must tackle some serious questions as we ponder living on other planets. Who gets to own the land up there? Imagine actually owning a piece of Mars! It's not science fiction; it's a potential frontier in space exploration. So, while the concept might sound like something from a sci-fi movie, real progress is being made, and the future of space is looking more intriguing than ever. 

Back to Planet Earth: My Thoughts

When I think about owning or renting land in space – it's like an exciting idea from another world.

 As humans explore space more, the idea of people owning parts of it is becoming more real. The idea of the wealthy and powerful using their privilege for first dibs reminds me of what living as a human on Earth is like. Living well on Earth is only for the ultra-privileged; what made us think that living in space wouldn't have the same rules?

Should space be for everyone or just a few?

It's an important question to ask. 

Suppose you are a human being open to the idea of space exploration. In that case, it might be time to think about how space ownership would work, the rules we'd need, and how it could affect our societies and economies. It's like a big puzzle that only a few are trying to figure out.

 I'm guessing the masses will not get a say in how any of this works, and, once again, the privileged will take over.